Dark Sky Homer is dedicated to opposing electronic billboards in Homer NY, preserving our town's scenic beauty and night skies by preventing light pollution and visual clutter. Join us in protecting Homer's unique charm and environment for future generations.

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Latest News

There is a Town Board Meeting on June 12th. The billboard issue is not explicitly on the agenda. However, we encourage as many people as possible to attend. If for no other reason to let them know we are paying attention.

6:30 pm. Town Hall Senior Center (basement)

Thank Council Member Head for her no vote.

Council Member Head was the only no vote on the motion to move forward during the May 8th meeting. Send her an email letting her know she has your thanks and support.

A municipality can regulate the time, place, and manner of advertisements, it typically cannot regulate the content of the advertisement unless there's a significant justification related to public welfare, safety, or another major concern.

If the Town Board changes the zoning to allow off-site advertising, they will not have the authority to control the content of the billboards. Businesses, political candidates, and social activism groups that you may not agree with and find distasteful, will be able to advertise in your community, without having to actually be a part of your community.

Reed v. Town of Gilbert

Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Commission of New York

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Coming soon!

Lots more in the works, we’re just getting started…